5 reasons to visit a dermatology clinic this year | Luxury Lifestyle Magazine

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When it comes to looking and feeling your best, looking after your skin is one of the most important things you can do, and a bright, glowing complexion can make you feel like a million dollars. But achieving healthy, radiant-looking skin can often be tricky, particularly if you’re dealing with issues like acne, rosacea and excessive oiliness or dryness, and trying to find the perfect combination of products at home without expert guidance can often leave you coming up short.

It’s often said that beauty comes from within, and that’s because our diets and how hydrated we are both have a huge role to play in how your skin looks and feels throughout life. The skin is the largest organ in our body, and although most of us are more conscious of our faces than the rest of our bodies, all of your skin deserves to be well taken care of.

A good skincare regime isn’t just about preventing breakouts and masking fine lines and wrinkles, but protecting your whole body from environmental stressors like the sun’s harmful UV rays, pollution and exposure to harsh chemicals, and providing it with the nutrition it needs to thrive – as this is the key to keeping it soft and smooth and minimising any premature signs of aging.

If you’re dealing with unwanted lines, blemishes or bumps, or have any other skin concerns you’re unsure how to deal with, then booking yourself an appointment with an experienced dermatologist is a great place to start. Not only will they be able to recommend a treatment plan that is tailored to your needs, but they’ll also provide you with the advice you need to go it alone in the long-term and keep your skin at its best.

Unsure whether a visit to a dermatology clinic could benefit you? Here are some reasons to go and get a skin analysis sooner, rather than later – and five things that doing so could help you to fix.

1. Rashes, warts, poison ivy and burns

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When it comes to looking and feeling your best, looking after your skin is one of the most important things you can do, and a bright, glowing complexion can make you feel like a million dollars. Image credit: elenavolf/Bigstock.com

Skin conditions like rashes, warts and burns are all pretty common and thankfully, are easily treatable with some simple over-the-counter remedies, but if they keep cropping up again and again, then a dermatologist is best placed to help you get rid for good.

If you have a wart that isn’t going away and isn’t responding to treatment, for example, it might be time to quit the home treatments and allow your dermatologist to get straight to the root of the issue. They often have access to stronger, medical-grade treatments that aren’t available to buy yourself, and will be able to advise you on the right course of action to finally get the results you’ve been seeking.

You shouldn’t live with these problems, hoping they will go untreated and will simply go away, because if they aren’t properly diagnosed, then they can quickly turn into symptoms of an underlying condition. So, if any of the above are concerning you, then it’s time to bite the bullet and make that appointment.

2. Chronic skin conditions

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A good dermatologist will be able to analyse your current skincare routine and identify any potential triggers or problem ingredients. Image credit: Gorlovkv/Bigstock.com

Chronic skin problems like excessive dryness, eczema, rosacea, and acne are all difficult to deal with and as well as potentially being painful and uncomfortable, can knock your confidence, too.

If issues like any of these are negatively impacting upon your day to day life, you need to talk to a dermatologist. They will be able to help you create a treatment routine and show you how to properly care for your skin and manage your condition to minimize pain and redness and, ultimately, make life a little bit easier.

A good dermatologist will be able to analyse your current skincare routine and identify any potential triggers or problem ingredients, and make recommendations for replacements that are tailored to your own specific and unique set of circumstances. What works for one person doesn’t work for every single person suffering from your condition, so instead of spending a lot of money and time trying different products, get an expert opinion. It’ll save you time, stress and discomfort in the long-run.

3. Cosmetic treatments

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While many beauty salons and clinics offer non-invasive, injectable treatments like these nowadays, they don’t always have the in-depth know-how about skin that’s needed to give the best advice. Image credit: Aleksandr Rybalko /Bigstock.com

If you’re unhappy with the quality of your skin or the structure of your face and want to make some cosmetic changes then a dermatology clinic is the place to get advice on the treatments available to you – and ultimately, have them done.

These can include anti-aging toxin injections to minimise the development of lines and wrinkles, and dermal fillers like Juvederm to add volume to features including the cheeks, lips and jawline. Most of these fillers contain hyaluronic acid and so also offer plumping and hydrating benefits, both of which can contribute to a more youthful appearance.

While many beauty salons and clinics offer non-invasive, injectable treatments like these nowadays, they don’t always have the in-depth know-how about skin that’s needed to give the best advice – and aren’t always fully qualified or experienced in doing the procedures. Thus, it’s unwise to go to just anyone without knowing their credentials first, and a dermatologist will be best placed to advise on the most suitable treatments to address your concerns, as well as to perform them.

4. General skin support

Treatments like chemical peels, for example, can be a great secret weapon when it comes  to exfoliating and resurfacing your skin and can help to remove acne and reduce signs of agin. Image credit: dekazigzag/Bigstock.com

Whether you choose to visit a leading London dermatology clinic, travel abroad or book an appointment at a clinic closer to home, an experienced professional dermatologist can offer a range of specialist techniques, treatments and procedures to support your skin. Not everyone has a specific skin condition or issue they need help with, but most of us are keen to retain a healthy and radiant complexion for as long as we possibly can, and in many cases only expert advice and a tailored treatment plan can make that possible.

Treatments like chemical peels, for example, can be a great secret weapon when it comes to exfoliating and resurfacing your skin and can help to remove acne and reduce signs of aging. Laser treatments for the face, meanwhile, can help to fade scars, and smooth uneven textures and wrinkles by removing a thin layer of compromised skin from the surface of your face. This encourages the production of collagen, and encourages your skin cells to regenerate.  

5. Nip small problems in the bud

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Book an appointment at a dermatology clinic now so that a professional dermatologist can assess the issue and determine whether any treatment is needed. Image credit: katyasmiley/Bigstock.com

If you’ve discovered a small mole on your face, lower back, stomach or anywhere else on your body then it might not seem like a big deal but if you let the mole go undetected and untreated it could potentially become something more serious over time. 

Rather than letting an appearance of a new mole, scar, or an outbreak of acne cause problems for you later down the line, book an appointment at a dermatology clinic now so that a professional dermatologist can assess the issue and determine whether any treatment is needed. The sooner you go, the easier most things are to deal with if needed, so it’s wise not to waste any time – and could ultimately put your mind at rest.

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