The ultimate confidence boost: How to get back to feeling like a million dollars with the latest aesthetic and cosmetic treatments | Luxury Lifestyle Magazine

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In many ways, it’s easy to look and feel like a million dollars when you have a fortune in the bank, and when money is no object, splurging on the latest designer must-haves and the world’s most highly sought-after hair stylists and beauticians is something we do almost without thinking. But even so, there are times when certain issues and conditions can come out of the blue, knocking your confidence and leaving you scrambling for a solution that you just can’t seem to find.

From thinning hair and early onset hair loss to chronic skin conditions like acne and rosacea, sometimes even the most expensive luxury products don’t seem to cut it – but the good news is that there are some innovative aesthetic treatments out there that can help. While some may involve going under the knife, others are minimally invasive procedures that can be done in your lunch break, with almost no downtime.

Here, we take a look at some of the most common confidence-knocking issues that could be getting you down, and the solutions that could make them a thing of the past.

Hair loss

hair loss
Up to 80 per cent of men will suffer from some form of hair loss at some point in their lives

Up to 80 per cent of men will suffer from some form of hair loss at some point in their lives, but they aren’t the only ones affected. Women, too, may notice their hair thinning as they age, and while for some, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and health conditions are the cause, for others, it’s simply a case of genetics.

The good news is that, in this day and age, there are some exciting and highly effective treatments available that don’t just slow hair loss, but put a stop to it completely. So, if you’ve tried all of the readily available home treatments out there but aren’t getting the results you’d hoped, then book yourself a consultation at a reputable hair transplant and skin surgery clinic to find out what your options are. 

Hair transplants were once considered laughable, and offered limited results – but they’ve come a long way since the early days, and the latest techniques mean it’s possible to have your hair fully returned to its former glory. Look for a highly regarded cosmetic surgeon with plenty of experience in hair transplant surgery to do yours.

Acne, rosacea and other skin conditions

Many sufferers of chronic skin conditions waste a huge amount of time and money in the pursuit of a clear complexion, but few ever visit a dermatologist. Image credit: Valua Vitaly /

If you’ve spent years battling acne and outbreaks and all to no avail, then it might be time to seek professional help. Changing your diet and removing any trigger foods, and trying topical over-the-counter treatments are all good places to start when it comes to addressing skin problems like these, but they aren’t always the solution many hope for, and what works for one person may not be as effective for someone else.

Many sufferers of chronic skin conditions waste a huge amount of time and money in the pursuit of a clear complexion, but few ever visit a dermatologist. A dermatologist – a medical practitioner qualified to diagnose and treat skin disorders – is best placed to assess your case and make tailored treatment recommendations.

Microdermabrasion, for example, can be a great choice for anyone suffering with residual acne scarring and can help to minimise their appearance over time, while the three-step HydraFacial, which takes just 60 minutes, will detoxify skin, remove dead skin cells and extract impurities, all while nourishing and hydrating to leave you with smooth, soft feeling skin.

Everyone is different, and an experienced dermatologist will be able to make recommendations specific to you so that you can finally get the clear skin you’ve been craving.

Lines, wrinkles and loss of definition

Older woman
If you’re considering any non-invasive treatments, then be sure to look for an experienced professional who has been extensively trained in injecting. Image credit: insta_photos/

If there’s one thing that all of us will face at some point in life, it’s the early signs of aging – and fine lines and wrinkles are met by many with a sense of dread. But with a raft of aesthetic treatments now available to minimise the appearance of existing lines and slow the appearance of new ones, growing old gracefully is easier than ever.

Dermal fillers are becoming increasingly popular, and while they’re perhaps most often associated with the perfectly plumped pouts that are so often seen on women today, they have many other uses besides. Tear trough fillers – where a hyaluronic acid product is injected into the depression beneath the eyes – is an effective way of adding plumpness and volume and masking dark circles and bags. For those who have noticed a loss of volume in their cheeks, fillers can also help to restore a youthful appearance here, as well as being used to add definition to the chin and jawline.

Toxin products like Botox also remain popular and can be used as a preventative to stop deep wrinkles forming in the first place – for example, frown lines on the forehead.

If you’re considering any of these non-invasive treatments, then be sure to look for an experienced professional who has been extensively trained in injecting – ideally a plastic surgeon. 

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