If like us, you’re coming to the realisation that life on two wheels might be the best way to travel and keep fit, for at least the not-to-distant future, then it’s time to start considering the best options for pedal powering your way to work. While self-propelled forms of transport don’t necessarily fit the luxury lifestyle look, there are a lot of reasons to lean into this opportunity with vigour and enthusiasm.
For starters, bikes are cool now. Forget the single-geared, rusty-framed Raleigh that was handed down via friends, cousins and siblings until it finally reached you with faded Spokey Dokeys and brakes so squeaky your parents insisted you don’t use them. Instead, top brands like Canyon are working side-by-side with some of the world’s best athletes to create great-looking, award-winning bikes that are suitable for every purpose.
From e-bikes to mountain bikes, there’s a big range out there and if you’re fresh on the scene the choice can seem overwhelming, but panic not – in Canyon’s latest series of Pathlite bicycles we’ve found a collection of the best hybrid bikes on the market. Designed for life both on and off the road, a hybrid bike is a brilliant option for those who want to work and play. And, whether you’re cycling to work or for pleasure, getting on your bike is great for the environment, your health and can even save you time on that post-lockdown commute.

Why we recommend buying a hybrid bike from Canyon
Combining lightweight frames, intuitive functionality and front-fork suspension, a hybrid bike gives you the flexibility of taking on city streets, cycle paths and downhill trails with complete control and confidence. A one-bike solution to daily commuting and weekend fun, Canyon hybrid bikes are light, easy to carry and the logical, everyday choice for anyone looking to keep their options open.
Widely regarded as one of the world’s leading bike manufacturers, the Canyon Bicycles brand is synonymous with high-end components, leading innovation and clean, classy designs – all things we value here at LLM – Luxury Lifestyle Magazine. Started in Germany almost 20 years ago, Canyon hybrid bikes have all the hallmarks you’d expect from the nation that brought us ‘vorsprung durch technik’. What’s more, Canyon has a well-earned reputation for providing unrivalled bang for your buck.
Introducing the Pathlite AL SL 7.0
While we’re not about to take a deep dive into all of the specific parts and components that make up the all-new Pathlite AL SL 7.0, this is a luxury living magazine after all, it’s safe to say Canyon haven’t compromised on quality with this stunning hybrid bike. A Shimano XT drivetrain, Shimano SLX hydraulic brakes and an Iridium Fitness Saddle mean comfort, smooth easy gear changes and reassuring control. The bike has twelve gears, all found on a single chainring, meaning you only need to worry about a single gear lever while still benefiting from a broad range of resistance levels to help you up those steeper hills.
An aluminium frame, grippy 40mm-wide Schwalbe tyres and adjustable Suntour front-suspension make the Pathlite AL SL 7.0 more than ready to leave the tarmac in exchange for off-road thrills. Sturdy and reliable, it’s hard not to feel 12-years old again as you hit those open spaces with the whole world before you and, finally, a bike to match that childhood ambition.

When we first took this bike for a spin, we were blown away by the experience. From gear changes to breaking, the Pathlite AL SL 7.0 exudes quality. The individual components are reassuringly solid and combine seamlessly to give the rider full confidence. Personally, I loved having the suspension on the front of the bike, it made the transition from road to trail a natural part of the journey and the easy on/off adjustment means you’re not zapping your energy when it’s not needed.
Getting deep into the countryside the Pathlite takes bumpy downhill trails in its stride, as we experienced on a long ride along the South Devon coast. The smooth transition from tarmac to off-road combined with the ability to improve your fitness, get to work and have some good old-fashioned fun, make it easy to argue that this latest evolution of the Canyon Pathlite series is one of the best hybrid bikes available in 2020. The fact that it turns so many heads is just a welcome bonus.
Ordering a hybrid bike online
Buying a bike online might not seem like a natural choice, but it’s easy to make sure you get the right size frame by taking some simple measurements. When it comes to delivery, our Canyon bike arrived in one big box with some easy to follow instructions. We’d unboxed our bike and had it ready to ride in 10 minutes thanks to the nifty tool kit that comes included. There’s not a lot to it, and if you’ve ever put together an IKEA flat pack then you’re more than qualified, however, if you’re at all unsure, get someone who knows their stuff to double-check everything is tight and ready to go before you go for your first ride.
A really nice touch from Canyon was the launch of their ‘Stay Fit, Stay Healthy’ campaign, designed to help keep us all sane and well during the Covid-19 lockdown. Featuring a range of workouts that can be done either at home or on the road, Canyon have dug deep into their knowledge bank to create expertly designed programmes and ideas that are available to anyone with a pushbike. All you’ll need is a stretch of road, the odd hill or one of their smart home trainers and a little bit of space.

The end of the affair
Sadly, after milking every opportunity we had to ride it, we had to return our trial Pathlite to Canyon, something we’re confident rarely happens to anyone purchasing one for themselves. The positive vibes that came from regular rides, be it nipping to the shop, a socially-distanced weekend cycle or burning off lockdown anxiety by pedalling alone in the wild, were priceless. On that basis alone, getting yourself a hybrid bike that can take you anywhere is a brilliant investment. Throw in the physical health and commuter benefits that come from owning a bike, and treating yourself to a Pathlite AL SL 7.0 might just be the best decision you make this year.