Thankful Tenuta Torciano – Torciano Magazine

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There is much to be thankful for in Tuscany

With the 2022 harvest now moved to barrels, concrete containers and stainless steel tanks, our hotel and winery are preparing to welcome visitors and guests this holiday season. As Thanksgiving approaches, we want to show a deep sense of gratitude for this bountiful harvest year Nature at Tenuta Torciano, during this month, shows itself in all its autumnal beauty with yellow and orange leaves.

There is truly a lot to be thankful for.

Tuscany is a magnificent territory, which allows us to grow incredible grapes with which we produce our world-famous wines – from Chianti, to Vernaccia di San Gimignano, to Brunello di Montalcino.

During these late season days, we can still admire the breathtaking landscapes of our region and take the opportunity to visit the beautiful cities of art and small historic villages. There is a lot to be thankful for while living in Tuscany!

Our gratitude list is long, but here we want to list the main things that make us happy every day:

1. Our vineyards located in different places in Tuscany – San Gimignano, Chianti Classico, Montalcino, Montepulciano, Scasano – producing the best grapes in the world

2. Our family and team who share the love for their work and for the production of wine every day

3. Glasses of wine that we can enjoy at the end of the day, refreshing whites in summer and full-bodied reds in winter in front of the fireplace

4. Lunches and dinners with friends in the beautiful locations of our cellar, from the internal rooms, to the gardens and vineyards

5. The special moments spent together with our guests who visit Tuscany for the first time and can admire its landscapes and appreciate the excellent food and good wine

6. The laughter, joy and smiles of the people who visit the Estate every day and with their happiness reward them for their hard work

7. Our vegetable garden and farm that allow us to consume genuine products at km 0

8. Homemade recipes, handmade pasta, grandmother’s cakes and everything that has been handed down to us for cooking typical Tuscan dishes

9. Horseback riding in the woods

10. Vespa rides to discover the Chianti roads

11. Our Hotel, small but welcoming, which has hosted many of you during your stays in San Gimignano

12. San Gimignano, Siena, Florence and all the other jewel cities that make our land unique from an artistic and cultural point of view

13. The mild and sunny Mediterranean climate that gives us pleasant days to spend in nature

14. The cordiality and hospitality of the Italians and their desire to share the wonders of this country with all tourists

15. Landscapes and nature that are our source of inspiration every day

Thank you 2022 for giving us all this, we are grateful.

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