5 simple ways to boost your energy level and increase vitality | Luxury Lifestyle Magazine

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It’s almost impossible not to feel frazzled at times thanks to today’s fast-paced way of life, and busy schedules and seemingly endless stress can soon begin to take their toll. Trying to stay on top of everything isn’t just a difficult task, but an exhausting one, too – so if you’re feeling fatigue or suffering from burnout, then something finally has to give.

While minimising the amount of time you spend doing high-pressure tasks and increasing your windows of self care would be the ideal way to combat tiredness and lethargy and get you feeling back to your best, it isn’t always possible with work and family demands to contend with. But the good news is, there are some natural ways you can boost your vitality and increase your energy levels with just a couple of simple tweaks to your lifestyle.

Here, we take a look at five of the best.

Breathe easy

relaxing outdoors

Breathing is a mostly passive process, occurring naturally without us having to think about it. But just because you’re always breathing, that doesn’t mean you’re reaping all of the possible benefits, and taking some time out of your day to focus on some gentle breathing exercises can restore a sense of calm and leave you feeling ready to face whatever comes next.

Both meditation and breathwork are known to reduce stress and promote oxygen delivery throughout the body, and even just taking a few long, slow deep breaths at regular intervals throughout the day is enough to get yourself feeling re-centered and revitalised in no time.

Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables

healthy diet

A balanced diet is the key to feeling at your best day in, day out, and ensuring you get plenty of fresh fruits and veggies is your first port of call if you need to overhaul what you’re currently eating. Packed with vitamins, minerals and free-radical-fighting antioxidants, five portions a day is optimal.

If you often find yourself stuck for time and have difficulty getting them all in, then try adding a fruit and vegetable powder to your morning smoothie or protein shake to boost your intake. Rawpowders.co.uk has a great selection to choose from, and as well as a range of other raw food powders designed to support optimal health and wellness.

Stay hydrated


Our bodies are up to 65 per cent water, and our brains even more, at 80 per cent. With this in mind, it stands to reason that staying hydrated is essential to maintaining your energy levels throughout the day. If you’ve ever suffered from brain fog after a morning of knocking back coffee after coffee and forgetting to drink even one glass of the good stuff, then you’ll know all too well how detrimental a lack of H2O is to both your mental and physical performance, and will likely have felt sleepy, lethargic, and bordering on getting a headache.

The ability of a long glass of water to restore clarity and boost energy is impressive, but ideally, you should avoid letting things reach that point in the first place. Aim for 2.5 litres of water a day, or eight large glasses of the good stuff, for optimal hydration – if you’re stuck at a desk all day, then fill up a large bottle or flask and sip from it throughout the day.

Prioritise quality sleep


The average person needs between eight and nine hours’ sleep to be performing at their best the following day, but in 2022, few people achieve this amount. Thanks to our always-on culture and near-constant attachment to our smartphones and other electronic devices, we’re exposing ourselves to too much blue light late at night and hindering our ability to drift off.

Failing to implement a good evening wind-down routine before you hit the hay is another common reason that sleep doesn’t come easily – so if you regularly find yourself tossing and turning at night or waking up repeatedly, then it’s time to make some changes. Try switching off all electronic devices at least an hour before you want to go to bed, and spend the time relaxing with a warm bath or shower, followed by a cup of herbal tea and a book. You’ll be surprised at what a difference it makes when it comes to lights out, as well as how much better you feel in the morning.

Get regular exercise


When you’re feeling tired and run-down, exercise is often the last thing on your mind, but it’s actually one of the best things you can do to boost both your energy level and your mental wellbeing, too. Even just a brisk 20-minute walk outdoors is enough to get your circulation going and encourages the body to increase energy production on a cellular level, as well as balancing blood sugar levels and increasing the production of feel good hormones, endorphins.

Try getting outside on your lunch break or in the morning before you start your day, and you’ll find the exposure to daylight makes the world of difference and leaves you feeling perkier and brighter, too.

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