Men’s fashion has come a long way over the last couple of decades, with more options than ever now available to choose from and greater freedom amongst men to express themselves through what they choose to wear.
As environmental impact becomes an increasingly key consideration of the discerning buyer, we’re also seeing some of our favourite luxury brands making moves towards becoming more sustainable at every stage of the production process, which for many of us, has come not a moment too soon.
It is perhaps ironic that something as fleeting as fashion should be at the forefront of sustainability, but as trends come and go, our attitudes toward the health of the planet remain strong.
With so much going on in the world at present, it can be difficult to focus on dressing your best, and ensuring you look good may well feel like yet another task to add to your very long to-do list.
With such hectic lifestyles, it’s a wonder that so many men find the time (and money) to flex those fashion muscles at all. But often, it’s the little things that make the big difference when it comes to looking suave and sophisticated and maintaining a polished image, no matter what.
Here are seven easy tips to help you to do just that, and all with minimal effort.

Declutter your wardrobe and make way for the new
Our wardrobes are often filled to the brim with clothes we haven’t worn in the best part of a decade. For whatever reason, we attach a certain sentimental value to that shirt we had when we were 14, or that pair of trousers you’re hoping you’ll be able to zip up again one day. But all that clutter can make it difficult to decide what to wear and to get a clear picture of the options available to you on a daily basis, so start by clearing out anything you no longer wear and marvel at how much easier it is to pick out a shirt.
Let anything you don’t want begin a new journey with someone else. Better yet, check out some high quality shirts for men you can get in store and online by some of your favourite designer fashion houses, and you’ll forget about the old shirts in no time.
Keep your footwear looking pristine
It’s often said that the first thing people notice about you is your shoes, which is why it’s key not just to choose them carefully, but keep them polished to perfection, too. The condition of our footwear may be under constant threat, but it’s usually dirty laces that are the weakest link in a pair of leather shoes. The same goes for a pair of trainers – so replace them regularly to freshen them up and keep them looking pristine – and if they’re brogues or work shoes, then don’t forget to give them a regular polish.

Up-level your sock game
Sure, odd socks were fun when you were a quirky teen making his way in the world. But there comes a time in which a man has to pay closer attention to what he puts on his feet – and we don’t just mean your shoes. Stock up on different kinds of socks in black, white and grey and aim to match with your trousers where possible. Though underappreciated, a good pair of socks can be a wonderful thing – but colourful or comedy socks should be well and truly avoided.
Ice away those creases
Getting those creases out of shirts and trousers can feel like a waste of anyone’s time, so here’s a quick and easy tip that doesn’t involve ironing. Stick a couple of creased shirts in a tumble dryer with some ice cubes – two or three cubes maximum. Run the dryer on its hottest setting and allow the ice to melt, ultimately relaxing those creases with minimal effort and, giving you one less thing to worry about.

Invest in quality hangers
The best hangers are undoubtedly cedar wood hangers, which provide a broad shoulder to hang shirts on. Plastic hangers are often weak and can sag, causing shirts to lose their shape and potentially even become damaged as a result. You could be ruining your threads without even realising, so invest in some new, high-quality hangers as a matter of urgency and you’ll thank yourself for it later.
The devil is in the detail
No well-put-together outfit is complete without those all-important finishing touches. Small though they may seem, a beautiful designer wrist watch, a pocket square, or some cufflinks have the power to up-level any mediocre outfit with relative ease. People will notice – and for all the right reasons.
Finish with a great cologne or aftershave
It’s difficult to stay fresh at the best of times, let alone during such a scorching summer. But the right scent should hit the right notes and remain durable against the elements. When you’re looking good and smelling good, there’s not much more you can ask for – and you’ll feel all the better for it, too.