7 steps to instantly improve your posture | Luxury Lifestyle Magazine

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Maintaining proper posture when you’re sitting and standing is so important for your body’s overall health and wellbeing. Correct posture improves blood flow, helps keep the nerves healthy and supports your natural spinal alignment, plus it also helps with back and neck pain. It can be difficult to maintain a good posture, especially in today’s day and age when we spend less time on our feet and more time sitting at a desk.

Here, Martin Seeley, sleep expert and CEO of mattressnextday, shares seven steps to instantly improve your posture.

Remove heavy backpacks

traveling with a backpack
Try to lighten your pack and remove items you don’t really need, or invest in a backpack with adjustable straps. Image credit: Misha_Sotnikov/Bigstock.com

Wearing heavy backpacks, especially every day can not only affect your posture, but also puts a lot of stress on your back, neck and shoulders. You may notice aches and pains in your back and shoulders, and the heaviness of the pack may also cause your shoulders and back to round over.

It’s really important that you don’t over pack any backpacks, though this can often be difficult for those who use one for work. However, if you can, try to lighten your pack and remove items you don’t really need, or invest in a backpack with adjustable straps and appropriate padding to help support spinal alignment. 

Adjust your WFH space

Seat posture
Your screen should be at eye level, and not above or below as in this case you are straining your neck and altering your normal posture. Image credit: AndreyPopov/Bigstock.com

If you have a job which requires you to sit at a desk, it is imperative that you ensure your space is suitable and promotes healthy posture and spinal alignments. A few things to make sure of is that your chair is an ergonomic office chair, as these help to support your posture and are less likely to give you back aches.

Your screen should be at eye level, and not above or below, as in this case you are straining your neck and altering your normal posture. You should also ensure your desk and keyboard are at the right height for your body and match with your seat.

Invest in a supportive mattress

There are many memory foam mattresses that can promote good and proper posture. Image credit: Rido81/Bigstock.com

Another way to help promote proper posture is by investing in a supporting, foam mattress. How you sleep has a huge impact on your overall health and wellbeing, not to mention helping with your spinal alignment and posture. The wrong mattress and pillows can actually promote bad spinal alignment and increase chances of head, neck and back pain.

There are many memory foam mattresses that can promote good and proper posture, and also help you to get a better, more comfortable sleep.

Try restorative yoga

Restorative yoga may be a good type of class to go for as these actually focus on moves that help with posture. Image credit: Yurii Maslak/Bigstock.com

Yoga is another way to promote good posture – not only is it fantastic for your overall fitness, mental health and flexibility, it can also promote good alignment and can allow you to remain in good posture for the rest of your day. The foundations of yoga practice is stretching and opening up your body, and this can offer a number of benefits to your posture, stance and alignment.

Restorative yoga may be a good type of class to go for as these actually focus on moves that help with posture and also if you suffer with back pain, bad posture or other spinal alignment issues.

Remain mindful of your posture

Try and remain mindful of your posture by setting yourself some day to day reminders, whether that’s adding a post it note on your phone or setting yourself challenges . Image credit: theLivePhotos/Bigstock.com

Most people go through life not realising they have bad posture, as often having bad posture doesn’t necessarily mean you are in pain. In fact, some people say that trying to keep good posture can actually feel uncomfortable. But this is because our backs are naturally round and so it feels the most comfortable to sit hunched, but this is doing your back no favours.

Try and remain mindful of your posture by setting yourself some day to day reminders, whether that’s adding a post it note to your screen simply saying ‘Posture!’ or setting yourself challenges to remain in good posture daily.

Go on a walk

If you can, try to go on one walk a day, whether that’s walking to and from walk, having a lunchtime walk or just taking regular breaks from your screen and walking around your house. Image credit: lexandrMusuc/Bigstock.com

Walking is one of the best ways to promote a healthy posture, and is also fantastic for our overall health and wellbeing. Walking as much as you can each day is the best way to maintain a good posture, spinal alignment and to keep the body active. If you can, try to go on one walk a day, whether that’s walking to and from work, having a lunchtime walk or just taking regular breaks from your screen and walking around your house – this will do wonders for your posture and spine.

Switch seating positions often

better posture
You should also avoid crossing your legs when sitting if you can. Image credit:Rido81 /Bigstock.com

If you work in a job which requires you to sit, you should make sure that you are switching up seating positions regularly so your body doesn’t become slumped or crumpled up in the same position for too long. You should also avoid crossing your legs when sitting if you can. It might be a good idea to try a standing desk, research has shown that these are the best way to work as not only do they promote good posture, but they also reduce your risk of obesity, developing heart disease and can also promote productivity and boost mood.

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