A nip here, a tuck there – cosmetic beauty treatments and even invasive surgeries have become the norm over recent years, and breast augmentations remain one of the most popular ‘tweakments’ amongst women across the globe who are eager to enhance their figure and achieve a fuller and more shapely look.
Gone are the days of unrealistic results and overly rounded implants, and thanks to constantly advancing techniques and increasingly skilled surgeons, the most prestigious clinics are now able to create a completely natural-looking finish. So, if you’re one of the many who has ummed and ahhed about whether or not the treatment is for you for fear of others knowing what you’ve had done, then there’s no longer any reason to let this put you off.
More than a century old, it’s safe to say that the procedure has come a long way since the early days, and in the United Kingdom, it is more highly sought-after than ever. Helping to improve self-confidence and body image by boosting breast size and creating a more symmetrical appearance and smoother silhouette, it’s easy to see why it’s such a popular choice – but how do you know if it’s the right one for you?
And more to the point, what is breast augmentation, anyway? Here we take a look at all you need to know to make an informed decision.
What is breast augmentation?
A breast augmentation is a surgical procedure designed to increase breast size – but this isn’t the only reason many women opt to undergo this type of surgery. Also known as breast enhancement, it can also help to change the shape and alter the texture of the breasts, a well as being used to correct a congenital defect or deformity, restore symmetry following surgery for breast cancer, or achieve a more aesthetically pleasing result after previous breast augmentation surgery.

The implants used in breast augmentations are typically made of silicone gel or saline solution, and are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. The type of implant selected will depend on your desired results, as they are chosen with your specific personal goals in mind.
Recovery from surgery usually takes one to two weeks, during which you may experience some discomfort and swelling. However, most patients can return to their normal activities within a few days, with downtime getting shorter and shorter the more augmentation techniques advance.
Breast augmentations are typically considered to be safe procedures with high success rates. However, as with any surgical procedure, there is always a risk of complications, such as infection or capsular contracture. If you’re considering the procedure, be sure to consult with your chosen plastic surgeon to learn more about the risks and benefits of breast augmentation surgery and to ensure you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into. It’s important to ask questions early on to gather all of the information you need to decide whether or not breast augmentation is for you.
3 Reasons why women choose breast augmentation
1. Breast asymmetry
Breast asymmetry is a common condition in which the breasts are different sizes. Breast augmentation can help to correct this imbalance, creating a more proportionate appearance.
In cases of mild asymmetry, a surgeon may recommend inserting different-sized implants, while for more significant asymmetry, they may suggest performing a breast lift on one side to bring the smaller breast up to match the size of the other.
In rare cases, your surgeon may recommend reducing the size of the larger breast, but it’ll be up to you to decide which way to go. In such cases, breast augmentation can provide a welcome confidence boost, and lead to improved self esteem overall.
2. Pregnancy or weight loss
When a woman is pregnant, her breasts usually enlarge due to the increased levels of hormones circulating within the body. However, some women may find that their breasts do not return to their pre-pregnancy size after they have given birth, and as a result, they may opt to turn to aesthetic medicine or to breast augmentation to get them looking and feeling back to their best.

Breast augmentation can help to restore the volume and shape of the breasts, giving you a more youthful appearance and simultaneously correcting any asymmetry that may have developed during pregnancy.
Weight loss can also have a dramatic effect on the breasts, and as the body loses fat, the skin around the breasts can become loose and saggy. In some cases, the breasts may even lose their natural shape and become flat, but breast augmentation can help to restore them to their former glory, re establishing some fullness and creating a more flattering silhouette. Breast implants can also help to support the breasts and prevent further sagging, so in cases like this, it’s a win win.
3. Improved self-confidence
Self-confidence is an essential part of feeling comfortable in one’s own body, but unfortunately, it’s something many women struggle with.
Breast augmentation can be an excellent way to address these issues if they stem from feelings of inferiority surrounding body shape and by improving your shape, will often have a knock-on effect on your self confidence – although therapy is also recommended to get to the root cause of low self esteem and equip patients with the tools they need to deal with it effectively.
Breast augmentation can be a life-changing procedure for many women, but going under the knife isn’t a decision to be taken lightly. So, if you’re considering it then be sure to do thorough research, find a skilled and experienced surgeon and a reputable clinic, and have a full consultation to ensure you have all of the information you need.