Luxuria Lifestyle Interviews Angelo Collins Founder of Marbella & Beyond

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Marbella and Beyond offer you instant access to the best property options on the coast, with skilled and experienced property asset advisors, lawyers, and wealth management experts. Here we find out a little more about the founder Angelo Collins, what inspires him and how his days pans out:

You were originally in the corporate world of hospitality, tell us how you transitioned from that to real estate.

I was initially invited to work as a sales director by a colleague who had just opened a real estate company. From there I embarked on my real estate journey. Being experienced in dealing with all types of people from different walks of life and having extensive knowledge of running a business made the transition straightforward. A strong knowledge of the coast through the eyes of a property owner, father and entrepreneur also tipped the scales in my favour.

What direction do you see Marbella & Beyond taking, and how will it evolve?

I believe there is very little emphasis currently being placed on the financial implications and potential benefits when buying a second, or third home abroad. Marbella and Beyond will lend its experience and contacts to ensure potential buyers are up to date and fully informed from the buyer’s point of view of the rewards and potential pitfalls of buying a property in Marbella or Portugal.

Has Brexit affected the rental or sales market at all?

Brexit has had very little effect, if any, on the higher end of the market. Pensioners from the UK may have had their income reduced because of transfer rates. The paperwork required has changed slightly when buying a home as a Brit, but being a Brit and more importantly, non-EU has far more significant benefits attached such as the digital Nomad visa. (I can and would like to provide you with this piece for your database) Spain’s new Digital Nomad Visa – who’s eligible and the tax benefits – Marbella & Beyond – Lifestyle, Marbella Property & Living (

Has the scrapping of the wealth tax in Andalusia had an impact on business?

We are attempting to make more people aware of this positive change. The impact so far has only been positive.

What challenges do you see arising this year, if any?

Interest rates and inflation continue to rise and must be monitored, but given the UK are higher in both instances, I am not sure of the impact just yet.

Who is your target market and where do they come from?

Given the tax benefits non-EU buyers can experience, they remain our target audience.

What do you feel about social media and do you use it?

It’s now an everyday necessity. The younger the potential buyer the more important it is to get our message out there on these platforms. We of course have a strong presence on the big social media sites.

What is your biggest achievement to date?

Our up-and-coming expansion into the Algarve in Portugal.

How would you describe your marketing strategy?

Informational! We pride ourselves on providing up-to-date wealth and tax information with a strong emphasis on lifestyle to accompany a property purchase decision.

Viewing these stunning properties must be great, but how often are you tempted to sell your property and make an offer? Every single day!

What sets Marbella & Beyond apart from other real estate companies?

I think we are able to match a client with a property asset in an area that suits their respective lifestyle better than anyone else in the business.

W: Marbella and Beyond

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