When it comes to looking and feeling good as you age, the importance of collagen within the body is something that shouldn’t be underestimated, and from skin elasticity to bone and heart health, it plays a vital role in keeping us at our best.
As the most abundant protein in the human body, collagen consists mainly of amino acids like glycine and hydroxyproline. Connective tissues like the skin, muscles and ligaments all rely on collagen to remain healthy – but not everyone is getting as much as they need on a daily basis, which can result in a range of different health conditions and premature aging over time. In food, collagen is only found naturally in animal products like meat and fish, which contain connective tissues of their own – but a variety of plant-based foods contain the materials required for collagen production within the body.
Although the body is able to create its own collagen with a healthy, balanced diet, the process declines over time, and after 35, it begins to create less and less – at which point many people may opt to add collagen peptide supplements to their daily regime. Collagen peptides are hydrolysed and broken down for smoother body consumption, and are becoming more and more popular these days.
Here are some reasons you should consider adding them to your daily regime to help maintain optimal health and youthfulness long-term.
Benefits of consuming collagen peptides
Collagen peptides provide a variety of health benefits.

Improved skin health
Collagen is one of the major components of our skin, so with this in mind it’s not a huge surprise that collagen peptides are useful for maintaining our skin’s elasticity and hydration and keeping dryness at bay. If your skin is already feeling parched and you’ve started to notice the premature formation of wrinkles then it’s a sign that your skin could do with a little help – collagen peptides help to slow down the visible aging process, whatever your age, so even if you’ve yet to see those first fine lines begin to make an appearance, now is a great time to add some to your daily routine.
Prevention of bone loss
Collagen isn’t just important for retaining a youthful appearance, it’s just as vital for retaining bone health. Osteoarthritis or joint pain happen as a result of bone loss, which is a real concern for many people after a certain age. Bones are made of collagen, and when your body stops producing collagen naturally, bone loss starts – so naturally, it’s important to do what you can to prevent this.
Low bone density can lead not just to bone loss, but also to fractures as your bones become weaker. According to recent studies, the risk of bone fracture can be reduced with the consumption of collagen peptides on a daily basis.
Boosts muscle mass
Collagen is the main structural protein in our muscle, accounting for between one and ten percent of muscle mass. Muscle mass, like collagen production, decreases as we age, but it’s important to maintain it as much as possible to keep strength levels high, protect bones and joints and keep your metabolism ticking over.
Known as sarcopenia, the loss of muscle mass can, in part, be prevented by increasing your consumption of protein sources and introducing resistance training at the gym – but collagen peptides also play an important role in slowing down the process. Collagen is made up of proline and glycine, which are also the precursors to creatine. Creatine is created within the body during protein metabolism and helps to supply the muscles with the energy they need to grow.

Promotes heart health
Collagen is a key component of the arteries, which help to carry blood from the heart around the body, and back again. The elasticity is thus essential to keep the heart healthy, and according to a raft of studies, taking collagen supplements can reduce artery stiffness whilst simultaneously boosting levels of ‘good’ HDL cholesterol within the body. This, in turn, will help to reduce your chances of developing any heart-related health conditions.
The narrowing of arteries can lead to heart attacks and a disease known as atherosclerosis. So, if you needed another reason to add collagen peptides to your daily routine then this is perhaps one of the biggest.
Prevention of gut problems
Our intestines are designed to be permeable to some degree, as they must allow water and nutrients to pass through the intestinal wall. However, when that permeability increases beyond what is considered normal, this can be problematic. When bacteria and toxins are able to leak through the intestinal wall, this is referred to as ‘leaky gut’, and the condition can have a detrimental impact on overall health.
Thankfully, collagen peptide supplementation can help with this because it contains a large amount of amino acids like glycine, glutamine and proline, all of which support a healthy bacterial balance in the gut microbiome. They also help to keep the gut barrier healthy and retain its strength, preventing those nasty toxins from passing through.
How long does it take to get results?
The amount of time it takes to start feeling or seeing results varies dramatically from person to person. You may start to reap the benefits in as little as eight weeks, but it could be anywhere up to twelve months. Consistency is key, so for the best results, it’s important to take yours daily.